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June 2024

Ever wonder where to donate things? Get them out of the house? Declutter?

I asked in the DeClutter community on Reddit and received a number of helpful replies.  One of them included a link to a 56 [!] page outline of where and how and when to donate [or trash] - Reddit Declutter Wiki 

I hate, absolutely hate, to toss things in the garbage - unless that's really where they should go, of course.  So I recycle what I can, donate or gift what I can and hope the recipients put things to good use.  For instance, checked with the Des Moines Public Library, and within limits, it will accepted donated library-type items [make sure you're not just unloading old stuff].  So my newer books [I tend to take good care of my books etc.] and CDs and Magazines < 1 year - all went to the DMPL.  Others can go to Little Free Libraries [no doubt there's one in your neighborhood].  Posting as free on NextDoor or Trash Nothing works as well.

A BIG help with 'spring cleaning'.  Which for me tends to stretch thru the year.
